Day 109: You Just Got Hypernormalised
You know those people who have pretty much the exact same sense of humour as you and you end up spending most of your catch ups in hysterics? Shaun is one of those people.
Shaun is the music editor at The Japan Times and we always make sure we meet up with him every time we visit Japan. So finally, more than a month into being in Japan we were able to meet up with the guy.
He took us to this little restaurant called Jackpot which is an Italian/oyster/wine bar in the backstreets (I feel like most things in Tokyo seem to be in backstreets) of Ebisu. We chatted all things Hypernomalisation (have you seen it yet?) and, well, just stuff. After a few hours eating and drinking and then trying to find a wine bar to drink more in (and failing) we called it a night. Until next time, Shaun!
The sun sets so early in Tokyo in winter. This is at about 5pm!
These guys specialise in oysters, oysters and more oysters.
Japanese salads are great. Avocados for days and often smothered in a sesame type dressing.
Fries with anchovy mayo are so damn good. My heart stops and thighs grow fatter just thinking of these.
Hot oysters, comin' thruuuuu.
Walking around the streets of Ebisu trying to find a wine bar that wasn't packed. We failed but did stumble upon this shrine.