Day 5: I Should've Taken A Photo
We almost stuck to our budget today! It's funny when you have a "daily budget" on holidays and you consistently blow it. Oh wait, is that funny or entirely terrifying? Anyway, today we nearly managed to stick to it.
Breakfast burritos at Tacos Villa Corona. Anthony Bourdain went here so the wait for a burrito was 30 long and hungry minutes. Worth it? Yes. Would I wait 30 minutes again? No.
People waiting for their burritos.
We decided to be good and share one burrito (chorizo, spinach and potato) between us. Smart move.
Checking out art in the Arts District.
Cactus wall.
Smorgasburg LA. So much choice, so little stomach space.
Fresh onigiri! Everything in it was destined to get caught in my teeth.
Before we realised we got the wrong ones.
I waited AGES for this grilled cheese from Cheezus but it was gooooood.
Cheezus Christ, help me.
Outside Cheryl and Red's place.
Night + Market in West Hollywood. The chef here won best new chef this year but I was still hesitant because Thai food in Sydney is so good.
But it was actually delicious.
So delicious that I forgot to take a photo of anything we ate.
Oh, so why the title of this post? After Night + Market, we went to this place called 82 in DTLA to meet Adam's friend Marcus. This bar was basically Adam's dream – pinball and old arcade machines everywhere. I wish I'd taken a photo of Marcus, his date Sheena and us because it was a fun night and pretty unique place. Oh well...
Update... We got a photo!