
My husband and I left our lives in Sydney to go travelling for the rest of 2016. What started as a one month honeymoon has turned into a four month adventure.

A Sydney Halloween

To be honest, I wasn’t entirely looking forward to Halloween this year. It just wasn’t going to be the same as last year’s Halloween where I went to a really great party in Tokyo and met most of the people that would become my friends in Japan. But I went out to an event hosted by Social Bite and ended up at a wonderful Halloween dinner at “the hat place” (Tharen’s) with a bunch of really nice people where I drank too much wine and won free cocktails from a drag queen. I also wore a hat shaped like a hamburger.

That was Friday night. On Saturday night, Alex managed to get himself his first party photographer gig in Sydney. Doctor Blood’s Night Of Terror was hosted by ma. gallery and Lo-Fi Collective. A few excellent Australian bands, some of the best Halloween costumes I’ve ever seen and some pretty neat artwork made for a good night. I recycled a costume from a couple of Halloweens ago and went as a Japanese schoolgirl/Gogo from Kill Bill. Turned out my best friend had the exact same idea but pulled it off better because she’s Asian, has longer hair and had that spiky ball thing.

Photos by Alexis Wuillaume and me.

Hafu – A Film About the Experiences of Mixed-Japanese Living in Japan

Hafu – A Film About the Experiences of Mixed-Japanese Living in Japan

My Sayonara Party

My Sayonara Party