Day 75: Avocado Lovers Inc.
After what ended up being a late night we didn't emerge from the house until well after midday. We met back up with Nina who had a few hours left in Tokyo so we spent the afternoon eating avocado based dishes (it'll make more sense when you scroll down) and walking around Jingumae and Shibuya wishing I could shop but knowing that I need to save my money for things like groceries and bills. Sigh.
These Mario Kart things where you drive around the streets of Tokyo are kind of touristy but I really want to do it one day.
I've been walking past this damn avocado light for years. In fact, I've taken many photos of myself with said avocado (check the main pic) but had never gone to eat at the avocado cafe... UNTIL NOW. Nina is also an avocado enthusiast and had been here on her last trip so she was more than happy to head here again for a slice of avocado paradise.
Madosh! cafe (note: it's not actually called avocado cafe) is a little bit Okinawan, a little bit Hawaiian and a little bit Japanese. It's cute and cosy and their avocado smoothies are fantastic. Also, if you head to their website they call themselves "AVOCADO POWER COMPANY" which is a name I can totally get behind and one that I wish I came up with for my imaginary future company.
I love taco rice. I love taco rice a lot. So I ordered taco rice.
The others got poke bowls with a generous helping of avocados (of course). It's not exactly cheap, but for about ¥1,800 you get an avo smoothie, main and drink bar so it's not so bad. Adam and I being freeloading losers forgot to bring any cash with us so Nina had to be our sugar mama. Nina, if you're reading this we owe you lunch when we come back to Sydney.
Feeling sufficiently avocadoed, we hit the streets and found ourselves at Cafe Kitsune in Aoyama.
Enjoying the coffees. Nina was probably telling us something about Terrace House and I was probably making mental notes to watch it. If only we knew about Terrace House earlier because we would have taken her to Barista's cafe which was a few streets over.
While walking back to Shibuya we came across a farmer's market which was full of a tonne of things I wanted to buy. Fresh produce, sake, clothing and accessories, there was even a kombi van that was converted into a mobile woodfired pizza truck. With actual fire. I was impressed.
After Nina left to head back to Sydney we pretty much headed straight home to begin our Terrace House journey.
Buuuut not before we saw this curiously named sticker photo booth.