Caught in the Rain
This is what happens when you wear thongs in the rain. Bits of the world stuck on my legs.
This look says "get me out of the rain".
fter having a really nice dinner at Anea Cafe (will blog about at some point), Alex and I decided to be thrifty and walk from Sangubashi to our friend’s party, Hindu Love in Shibuya, which is maybe a 15 minute walk. But halfway through the walk it started raining like crazy and we were stuck in a dead zone with no umbrella or combini. Disaster. Alex, being the brave man, broke into* an apartment building and found an umbrella in the hallway. My hero.
Oh yes, and that’s my new hat from CA4LA. The one that actually fits my tiny head. Happy days! And the top is one of my favourites from my Obaachan. Aaand, I am wearing thongs on this journey because it’s no fun walking home after a night out in heels.
*Not really broke into, just opened the door and walked in.