
My husband and I left our lives in Sydney to go travelling for the rest of 2016. What started as a one month honeymoon has turned into a four month adventure.

Day 85: Emoji In Real Life

Day 85: Emoji In Real Life

So much for great content. Oh well, here's what happened today...

I spent most of the morning applying for a job and basically faffing about on my computer until hunger got the better of us. To get a bit of exercise and to feel like we did something today we walked to the next suburb to pick up some groceries which is where I also picked up this picture perfect strawberry shortcake. It truly is like the emoji and tasted like strawberry-filled heaven.

And that's it. Job hunting and strawberry shortcakes.

Day 86: A-a-a-afuri!

Day 86: A-a-a-afuri!

Day 84: The Underprepared Hikers

Day 84: The Underprepared Hikers