Day 62: Resort Life
Sophia and Adam, it's time to leave the island.
Is that what they say on a Survivor-like TV show? Anyway, it was time to leave Ishigaki Island and head back to Okinawa main island for a few resort-filled days.
I do love how everyone seems to get behind Halloween in this country. This was near the check in counter at the airport.
Bye Ishigaki!
Hellooooo huge hotel room! This was the cheapest room at Mahaina Wellness Resort but it was on the top floor and was massive. It even had a mini kitchen?!
I am all about this baby pink detailing.
Resort wear! They give you these super comfy outfits to wear in your room and around the hotel. I basically lived in this.
Oh and dinner? We had a very classy hotel room dinner courtesy of Family Mart. Budgeting and losing the holiday weight is real.