Day 64: Orion Happy Park Feat. Free Beer!
There are a number of things I love about Orion Happy Park.
- The name. Seriously. Orion Happy Park. Could there be anything more... Happy?
- It's a working brewery where you can get a free tour.
- And free beer.
- And beer nuts.
- The gift shop is full of Orion merchandise and I wanted it all.
The tour guide, bless her, couldn't speak English at all but tried her best to give the tour in English to the non-Japanese speaking group (not that I was expecting a tour in English β we were told it was in Japanese only, which was fine with us). Anyway, ten points for her effort even though we could tell she was super nervous.
She took us through the whole manufacturing process which was interesting and then led us to the beer hall for a "tasting".
The tour waiting area complete with vintage shop front.
Beer cans through the ages.
The beer line. So. Much. Beer.
I appreciate the baby pink machine.
And this is how many cans they produce in one minute.
Poor Adam was the designated driver so they gave him a badge that won't let anyone serve him beer. Not even a sip.
For our happy time!
At the end of the tour you get either two beers or one soft drink or alcohol free beer. Here is Adam about to "enjoy" his alcohol free beer.
We then spent more time than most at the gift shop choosing between Orion sweat towels. Yes, towels.
A creepy treat from Family Mart before heading to the beach. This guy was filled with fake tasting meat and onions. It wasn't delicious but it was worth the photo?
We then drove to Sesoko Island where we were originally intending on staying instead of the resort, and headed to Sesoko Beach. The water here was amazingly clear and blue and you could walk about 50 metres in the water before you couldn't touch the ground any more.
I have this photo saved in my favourites in case anyone asks me to go camping.
Adam is drawn to shade like I am to egg sandwiches at Japanese convenient stores.
How's the serenity?
There was this sea cucumber (or something like that) that some man picked up and left on the shore. It was getting smashed by the waves so I tried to pick it up to get it to calmer waters but ewww squishy so had to get a thong to get it into the water a bit more. After a bit of manoeuvring and a lot of shuddering from me every time I touched the squishy creature, I got him to safety. Here's hoping no one stepped on him after we left the beach.
Also, does this cloud look like a shark to you too?