Day 13: Welcome To New Orleans
After a pretty hectic (but a whole lot of fun) few days in Pacific Palisades, we were looking forward to heading New Orleans. We're still getting used to calling it Newawlens rather than New Orleeens, but we'll hopefully master it before we leave on Thursday.
We got a SouthWest plane and it's one of those annoying companies where they don't assign seat numbers. And, because we didn't know we had to check in 24 hours in advance to get to board first, we were one of the last to board and got some pretty crappy seats. I was sandwiched between an older couple who chatted to me for the duration of the 3 hour 45 minute flight about everything from their six children (three boys, three girls), their family history (a great, great uncle once removed tried to murder a doctor) all the way to them being Mormon and giving me a book of Mormon card.
After getting to our hotel (Avenue Plaza Resort) and having the timeshare salesperson trying to get us to go to an "obligation free" presentation (no thank you) we hit the ground running – po' boys from Parkway Bakery & Tavern, happy hour at Seaworthy, a crazy walk down Bourbon Street, beignets from Cafe Du Monde, a muffaletta from Cochon Butcher and, finally, bourbon from The Avenue Pub. We were full, sleepy and ready to sleep on our bed which is unusually high to which I struggle to get in and out of.
First stop, po' boys from Parkway Bakery. I didn't realise that po' boys were short for poor boys. Now I know.
The fried oyster po' boy (only available on Mondays and Wednesdays) was one of the best sandwiches of my life.
Look at him in all his glory.
We shared one po' boy to save room for more eating. A strategic move by two beautiful geniuses.
Little turquoise house.
The Seaworthy happy hour next to the Ace Hotel.
Daiquiris are a thing here. This wasn't what I was expecting (it was more like a margarita) but it was good and got me a little buzzed.
Big ass oysters and shrimp with "fancy sauce".
Going in!
Bourbon Street. This place would be mental in the evenings.
How I feel about Bourbon Street. It's like Kings X on crack. On a side note, we've developed a little bit of a tan. Woo!
Posing in front of ye olde houses.
As I was taking this photo I was being attacked by some grotesque kind of moths. They were ghastly. I hate them so much, whatever they are. Found one in my bag later that night. Still alive, still horrific.
This guy.
Hot and sweaty, we made it to the famous Cafe Du Monde.
Three beignets to share.
Yes, the icing sugar ended up everywhere. I regret wearing a black tee.
Beignets are the only food they sell here.
Cochon Butcher was excellent. We had to get the muffaletta as it's a New Orleans thang.
Meaty, cheese, pickly, delicious.
Probably not the safest spot to go get a tourist pic (we were at a freeway underpass).
People here seem really nice and we can't tell whether it's because they are genuinely lovely or want something from us. I hope it's the former.
In other news, people from New Orleans actually say "y'all" here which is actually pretty great.